Can I pay my tuition fees and my accommodation in a Crous residence by cash ?
The national tuition fees must be paid by card or French cheque. If your programme applies specific fees, they must be paid by bank transfer. Your rent and security deposit in a Crous residence must be paid via your MSE account with a card. No cash is accepted.
You can pay your specific fees by bank transfer from your country, you do not need to be in France to do that.
I have a Visa for internship (Visa stagiaire), can I study in a French university ?
You need a student visa to study at university. If you are in France with a Visa-stagiaire, it is not possible to change it for a student visa in France. You need to follow the procedure of your home country, and apply through « Etudes en France » or to the French Embassy or consulate.
When can I arrive to start my studies at Université de Bourgogne ?
The sooner you arrive, the better. Indeed, you have different procedures to complete upon arrival, it is better to do that before the start of classes, and have some time to discover the campus and the city.
What is the policy regarding late arrivals ?
On your admission letter, you should have the start date of the programme. You must be in class on that day. Late arrivals are not automatic, but they can be allowed by the Head of Master for specific situations. He/She is the only person who can authorise you to arrive after the start date of the program. Taking this decision on your own will prevent you from enroling at university.
How can I apply for a scholarship at university ?
The University does not offer scholarships. Other options are available, and listed on our website.
Sometimes, your study department can allocate some scholarships when they have funding available. They are usually given to the best students. You can mention your interest in your cover letter when you apply to the program.
Am I exempted from paying the fees if I receive a scholarship ?
If you receive a scholarship from your study department, you are not exempted from paying the fees and the CVEC.
If you are a French governement scholarship holder (BGF), you are usually exempted from paying the national tuition fees and the student life contribution fee (CVEC). If your program applies specific fees, your French governement scholarship does not exempt you from paying them, unless you have discussed this with Campus France or the French Embassy, and they agree to take care of them.