Social security is the French Health system. Registering is free and compulsory for non-european students. We advise that you register as soon as possible on the Assurance Maladie platform, with the following mandatory documents :
– Proof of enrolment at university (« Certificat de scolarité »)
– Copy of your passport
– Copy of your visa
– Birth certificate (if it’s not established in a language recognised by the European union, you will need a sworn translation* in French)
– Copy of your residence permit or validation of your VLS-TS
– French bank detail document showing your IBAN (called RIB)
The French Health system will cover around 70% of the medical expenses once you have declared a general practicioner**. You can subscribe to a complementary health insurance*** in order to cover the rest of the medical expenses. Be aware that it might not cover 100% of your expenses everytime.
*For a sworn translation, you can contact the French Embassy or consulate in your home country, the Embassy of your home country in France, a sworn translator authorized by the French Court of Appeal.
**When you go to the doctor (on Campus or in town), ask them to declare themselves as your general practicioner (« médecin traitant »). If you don’t, only 30% of your expenses will be covered.
***You can purchase a contract with Smerra for example, or you can apply to the CSS which is the complementary health insurance from Assurance Maladie. Depending on your situation, it can be free or cost up to 1€ per day.