Master 2 projects in laboratory
Tutored projects and research projects are designed to build skills based on real work situations. At university, the research project is defined around the exploitation of situations, helping to identify the skills the link with knowledge. Lasting 60 hours, it aims to enhance the student’s skills in one of the following themes, for example (not exhaustive):
– optoelectronic signal analysis
– laser design, alignment and characterisation
– nanofabrication in clean rooms
– instrument interfacing and automation
– quantum computing ….
Available projects:
- Experimental testing of AI-designed optical computing devices
- Modelling non-linear photoluminescence transmittance in 2D
- How analyse by AI microwave spectroscopy data?
- Fabrication and characterization of Tellurite microsphere for Lasers sources development
- Characterization of solitons and soliton molecules with foldable wings
- xenon argon phase diagram
- molecular simulation of glycine solvation
- Gold nanorods modification under femtosecond irradiation
- Testing thermodynamic frameworks in autonomous quantum systems
- Chalcogenide waveguides for Mid-infrared (MIR) supercontinuum generation