Robert Geisler – Opole University, Poland
Organizations Identity, Visual Ethnography, VUCA
The objective of the paper is to study on methods and techniques of work (training tools) aiming organization’s identity building in VUCA times.Organizations in 21st century accepted the new structural forms and functions in different environment then fordism or even postfrodism organizations. External circumstances, defined as VUCA model, presents the context of reality as changing, uncertainty, complex, risky, volatilitle, and ambiguity. Such conditions became the social arena for designing and creation cultural identity of enterprises. Leaving on the Weberian model of organizations towards network, turquise or non-defined yet in the scientific literature, lead to complete study on shaping organization’s identity processes.In the past there was top-down proces of building identity among companies in Fordism era, imposed by shareholders, owners or managers. Today and tomorrow, the same proces is accelareted by environmental changes as innovations, techmological revolution or customs. New brands, new people (workers and managers), changes in organizational culture based on bottom-up activity prepare organizations for shaping identity in every day situations.This paper reflects
on the new tools, methods and techniques for working with people concerning organizational identity. It is necesassary especially for start-ups. The proposal of the new techniques is based on the visual ethnography approach. The meeting of people coming from different cultures, the necessity of mutual cognition and defining common meaning could be done by intercultural language of images, symbols and other signes. The Author’s experience in building such kind of tools and training practice gives knowledge (based on authoethnografical study), which could be analysed in the theoretical way and implement into business practice.
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