Preparing the documents
No matter if you applied through Mobility Online or Campus France or directly through the Master’s secretary (depending on your status), a full list of required documents will be communicated to you in English. Do not panic if you do not know all the information early on, registration is only officially carried out in September, which leaves you time to prepare.
Students in “initial training”
If you are doing the master’s program directly after your undergraduate studies, you can go on the International Office’s website to know more about all the documents you need ( -a-title -individual.html ).
The updated list will be published towards the end of June every year, but you will probably receive a reminder via email from the International Office. Make sure you have all required documents before the enrollment days (we advise you to come to France at least a week before the registration in order to sort out the bureaucracy). Do not hesitate to contact the international office if you have any questions but please note that from mid-July to mid-August the University is closed and they will not answer questions by email except for emergency situations.
Students in “continuing education” (life-long learning)
If you have been recruited via the SEFCA service : for life-long learning students, your administrative contact is Anne ROGER. She will be in touch with you regarding documents and admissions procedures before you arrive in Dijon.
These figures are indicative only and liable to change. Full details of exact charges will be sent to you by the relevant service before registration.
The global admission fee for this course is around 4500 € a year. This includes:
- 4000 € basic tuition fee
- university registration fees of around 260 €
- student health insurance of around 220 € / year (unless already covered)
- student civil liability insurance of around 10 € / year
The university does not offer scholarships or other financial assistance with fees.
NOTE: If you are a EU resident and are already covered by insurance in your home country, you don’t need another health insurance BUT you still need to pay the civil liability insurance (unless you already have it). This can be taken with SMEREB on the day of enrollment.
The fees can be paid via check (only for French bank accounts) or Mandat Cash. The Mandat Cash will be given to you on the day of registration: fill it in with the correct amount, pay it at the post office (they also accept cards) and return it as proof of payment with the other documents during enrollment.

Dijon Campus
Enroll day
When you arrive in September you will need to register as an ICM student and create your student ID. To do this you will be given a day and time to go and present all of your documents to finally become a University of Burgundy student. Double check that you have everything (apart from the civil liability insurance, that can be subscribed there) and remember, bureaucracy in France is complicated and takes a long time. On your allotted day for registration take into consideration the possibility that you could be queuing for hours, sent to the post office to pay the fees, have to come back and maybe even need to come back the following day to complete the procedure. Just be patient and make the most of that time to get to know other ICM / international students!
After your administrative registration once you arrived, you will need to access your online account, which gives you access to your uB email address, the Moodle platform for classes (Plubel: / ), lets you log in to computers at the university and have access to the wifi network.
To register, simply follow this procedure: guide to activate your ENT account
Once this is done, you are all set to start the semester.
Good luck! Good luck!