The mid-term meeting was held in Brussels on Thursday 23rd of February 2017. All the beneficiaries, the partner organisation and the ESRs were present and met the Project Officer of the REA, Ms Stanka MITEVA and the external expert, Ms Federica ROSSI.
The meeting started with the coordinator’s report including the scientific, training, networking and management parts of the project. Then, the ESRs’ presented a slideshow of their project explaining their first results and methodology, their training activities within and outside the network and their Personal Career Development Plan.
During the afternoon, two restricted meetings were held with the REA representative and the expert, one for the ESRs’ and the second for the partners. The ESRs met the REA representative altogether and then, some of them met the REA representative individually. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss their experience within the network in terms of training, progress and impact on their future careers. The coordinator and partners met the REA representative to discuss financial issues and the periodic report.
At the end of the meeting, the REA representative and the expert gave their feedback.
Find the report here
Download the agenda: Agenda Mid-term meeting