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A vos fourneaux : English cookery class
28/02/2022 @ 18:00 - 20:00
Bonne année, bonne santé !
Notre collègue Caroline Smith, lectrice au sein du département d’anglais, propose depuis quelques mois un atelier de cuisine en anglais le lundi soir, en marge de ces cours. Dès le retour des vacances d’hiver le 28 février, il sera ouvert à l’ensemble d’étudiant.e.s intéressé.e.s dans le cadre du programme AprèsLang’ : informations et lien d’inscription ci-dessous ! L’atelier se déroulera en ligne mais si les conditions sanitaires le permettent, nous essaierons d’organiser une séance en présentiel à la fin du semestre.
Calling all kitchen enthusiasts!
The English Cookery Class, which has been running since October 2021, is coming to AprèsLang’!
How does it work? The ingredients list is uploaded to Teams ahead of each session, giving you time to buy what you need. We meet at 18:00 on Mondays as we all follow the recipe together from our own kitchens with our webcams on. If you can’t make the sessions, the full recipes will become available afterwards for you to access at your leisure.
Still not convinced? Here’s what students have said…
I loved being able to learn recipes from another culture including many dishes I never tried before. It also helped me improve my English, and the food is always so tasty!” – Océane Bourlier
“Cookery Class is the perfect thing for sharing and having fun. I love cooking and it is so cool to learn new things and talk to new people. It is kind of one of the highlights of my Mondays. And food! Who would say no to food?” – Juliette Perez
“Cooking class is the perfect occasion to take the time to discover new recipes and to practice English with people. It’s a really nice moment and the recipes are always so nice to try and to taste! It’s a pleasure to participate!” – Julie Gabier
We’re a friendly bunch and it’s free to take part, so what are you waiting for?! If you’d like to get involved, please register your interest by filling in the form below.
Can’t wait to see you starting from Monday 28th February!
To sign up, please fill in the form at https://forms.office.com/r/ZWQhJ5W4us