One of the first things you may want to sort out when you accept your place on the ICM course is housing, since many people require a French address for visa purposes.
Y ou have three main options to live in Dijon. With the CROUS (university residences), in the International Student Residence, or in privately-rented (shared) housing. Click on the links below for more info.
CROUS Residence | International Student Residence | Shared Housing |
For housing, you might be required to present the following documents:
- Birth certificate or personal ID
- Visa validation
- Guarantor (Visale)
Whichever one you choose, you can apply to the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) for housing allowance. Click on the link to find the step-by-step procedure.
Housing Allowance (CAF) |
Finally, click on the insurance link, to give you a few ideas on where to subscribe to an insurance for your room in France.
Insurance |
The ICM course leaders also provided people in the past with a letter stating that they were accepted and would be housed on campus, and in many cases this was sufficient for initial visa applications. You should contact them if you are in that situation. Students needing a fixed address quickly for their visa application are advised to apply to the International Student Residence (as a « non CIEF » student). The CROUS is much cheaper and on campus, (the International Student Residence is 2 tram-stops away), but you won’t have confirmation that you have a CROUS room before the end of August, even though rooms are set aside every year and reserved for incoming international students.From our experience, communication with the CROUS can also be difficult at times, notably before you arrive in Dijon.
Once you have read it all and found your perfect fit, enjoy living in Dijon!

View of Dijon from the Tour Philippe Le Bon