Microbial stress and List_MAPS conference

EFB Microbial stress and List_MAPS conferences, Kinsale Ireland

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EFB Microbial stress conference

From Monday 23rd to Wednesday 25th April 2018, a conference was organised by the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) in Actons Hotel in Kinsale (Ireland). All the ESRs and most of the partners attended this conference dedicated to the understanding of how microorganisms cope with stress.

List_MAPS conference

Right after the EFB conference, List_MAPS organised its symposium on Thursday 26th April 2018. This one-day conference offered the chance to present the results of List_MAPS and was aimed to explore the issues of the foodborne pathogens in general. Besides Listeria monocytogenes, the symposium included also Salmonella enterica.  38 researchers attended the symposium and among the ESRs 12 were PhD students recruited in another Marie-Curie ITN ETN project « PATHSENSE ». Thus the symposium was also an opportunity for the List_MAPS’ ESRs to meet 1st year fellows and share with them their experiences.



ESR1 Maja Zacho Brunhede:

The Microbial Stress conference in Kinsale on the 23-25th of April, 2018, was my first international conference. It was very interesting to attend, as it puts your own research into perspective, and inspires you through great talks on similar topics, giving ideas on the next exciting experiment. The many interesting talks was also a possibility for me to update my knowledge, with some of the current research going on in the world. Furthermore it was a great opportunity for networking with peers as well as within the List_MAPS project, as it was all still a bit new to me, being only the second time I meet everyone. Aside from some very interesting and inspiring talks on diverse aspects on microbial stress and biotechnology, there was also some very good poster sessions with a nice, relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Following the Microbial Stress conference, we had the List_MAPS symposium on the 26th of April. The symposium also had a lot of interesting talks from some of the PI’s along with invited speakers and ESR’s. Which inspired me on some of the methods that I am currently using in the lab, as well as for planned experiments. One of the things I very much enjoyed about the List_maps symposium, was the networking with one of the other Marie Curie funded ETNs, the PATHSENSE. Furthermore the poster session was a possibility for me to share my research and get constructive criticism and discuss ideas for future experiment. The poster session was a friendly environment for presenting research and getting a closer look to the research of especially my peers.
All in all, the Microbial stress conference and List_MAPS symposium was very educative and inspiring, giving a new boost of energy and inspiration to my own research project.


ESR4 Amber Dorey:

The ‘Microbial Stress: from systems to molecules and back’ was an incredible experience for a researcher who, like myself, focusses solely on microbial stress responses. The two and a half days were filled with talks from speakers originating from all over the world, and looked at microbial stress systems in a variety of species. I learned a huge amount during the conference, and got to meet and converse with many people focussing on different areas of microbial stress than myself. This was of benefit to me because it is always great to get feedback and ideas from other people, but sometimes can be more useful to get that feedback from people who are looking at your research from an alternative angle than yourself.


See all the photos on the Google + page:

Kinsale conferences



eulogoCe projet est financé par les actions Marie-Sklodowska Curie du programme de recherche et d’innovation de l’Union européenne Horizon 2020 selon l’accord de subvention n°641984

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