by Hayk Gevorgyan
About me:
I’m a Marie-Curie research fellow at Sofia University in the group of « Quantum Optics and Information », for the project « LIMQUET » – « Light-Matter Interfaces for Quantum Enhanced Technologies » funded by the EU « Horizon 2020 » programme.
Reach the goal:
To achieve a goal like a qualified position, communication and feedback skills with the outside world are always necessary – large-scale, fast and smart. Then the answer to the question « can you store what you have acquired and grow? » mainly depends on your inner world.
Find the source of endless motivation! Learn how to move to a certain emotional state in which you are the creator and ruler of « your own« , as well as your future! On your step-by-step path you will receive many problems that seem insoluble. Do not be disappointed, because going through them is for your strength! What is given immediately can be easily lost! Thanks to this difficult path, your inner world will change and become stronger.
In order to receive a Marie-Curie fellowship as an early-stage researcher in a project, it is necessary to have at least competent education in a specific field of study of this project. Just check the positions on the EURAXESS website ( ).
For example, by applying for Marie Curie’s fellowship in the LIMQUET project, I had master’s degrees in « physics, photonics & nanotechnology », and « theoretical physics », as well as an incomplete education in the fields of « cybersecurity » and « agribusiness and management ». These fields are in my interests till now. Studying various areas, I found a very interesting fact – the existence of borderline areas, such as « Nanotechnology in Agriculture », « Quantum Cybersecurity », « Econophysics », the System of « Quantum Coins » as an Alternative to the Blockchain Using the Quantum Algorithm, and other disruptive technologies and killer enterprises that combine the fields of science and business, called modern research companies. Feeling the importance of this convergence of quantum science and disruptive businesses, I recently started my own free brainstorming blog « Quantum Liberal » – a bridge for valuable discussions that provide an understanding of Quantum in a common business language. Welcome to the blog site
Marie-Curie fellow in Sofia:
My supervisor is Prof. Nikolai Vitanov, the head of the group « Quantum Optics and Information » at the Faculty of Physics and vice-rector of Sofia University « St. Kliment Ohridski », with over 250 publications. The group is well known, very professional and supportive.
Sofia is a place where you can feel diversity and freedom, everyday is a movie-scene. It is Post-Soviet, European, Balkan, Slavonic country with its own Bulgarian history and culture, the homeland of Cyrillic script. Four things that you need to know to orientate in Sofia are Vitosha mountain, boulevard Vitosha, NDK and Serdika metro stations.
Due to the good historical and diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the United States and my qualified CV, it was easy to get a 10 year US visa with multiple entries by applying for B1 in the Embassy of U.S. in Sofia for a Gordon Research Conference at the Road Icelands. It is important to note the famous American-Bulgarians, such as Assen Jordanoff – considered to be the founder of aeronautical engineering in Bulgaria, as well as a contributor to the development of aviation in the United States ; and John Vincent Atanasoff – inventor of the first electronic digital computer Although heavy difficulties like new language and new environments, the inevitable contact with minorities, Sofia is a place to save your income, to strengthen yourself, for your life experience, personal growth, also the place enjoying Bulgarian history, culture, cuisine, racia, Sofian clubs and Bulgarian Black Sea Coast with Golden Sands (Златни пясъци)
My Quantum Lifestyle:
Attending various congresses, conferences, seminars or clubs, communities; being a volunteer, learning new languages, communicating with different people from different countries and different areas … .This is all for your development, incredibly fast, after which you will need a lot of time to relax. Changing and diversifying your environment is a way to grow faster. A « Quantum Lifestyle » is a personal growth in many directions at the same time. Believe me, this is difficult, but it will change you for a better life!
I am an albatross member in “InterNations” community (, a participant of “Toastmasters” club ( and a part of “Students for Liberty” ( and “Institute for Economic Studies” ( communities. In these communities in Europe I am improving my intercultural communication and leadership skills, being connected with the global minds. Also you can see some photos of my attendance to the conferences, congresses related to my field – Gordon Research Conference, Global Innovation Forum to mention a few.

Group photo on Gordon Research Conference 11.-16.08.2019 & Gordon Research Seminar 10.-11.08.2019 on « Quantum Control of Light and Matter » (« Coherent Control of Quantum Systems with Increasing Complexity »), Salve Regina University in Newport, RI United States.

Photo with David Yang on Global Innovation Forum: Transforming Intelligence 16.-18.10.2019, Yerevan, Armenia. During the industry dialogue “Armenia on the edge of the future” in the scope of the forum, after the presentation of the representative of Gate42 “The Practical Application Areas of Quantum Computing”, the open discussion started. Audience was really enthusiastic about Quantum Computing. I participated in many discussions. Co-founder of, Founder and Chairman of ABBYY, member of Band of Angels, Silicon Valley based serial entrepreneur specializing in AI, David Yang were interested in “quantum artificial intelligence” applications.

Science and Technology Convergence conference 11.10-12.10.2019, Yerevan, Armenia. During the conference I had a discussion with the representative of quantum computing company “Rigetti” Will Zeng about quantum artificial intelligence and neuroscience. Currently, he launches to the next level, with doubled grant amount, rigetti hardware access, priority-tier access to IBMQ.