Training and Transfer of Knowledge

The general aim of the training programme in LIMQUET is to provide all ESRs with broad knowledge and experiences in light-matter interfacing and, quantum and nano-optics, with training in transferable skills, in order to improve their employability in this rapidly growing high-technology sector.

General training and transfer of knowledge objectives

  • to provide essential training and experience in research at the cutting edge of light-matter interaction from quantum to nano-scale;
  • to improve communication and management skills, project planning, intellectual property rights, research supervision and presentation of work, e.g. by giving the ESRs responsibilities for organizational matters;
  • to improve the ability to transfer know-how from research laboratories to industry;
  • to facilitate and encourage workplace mobility across national borders;
  • to provide training in writing of technical reports, scientific papers and proposals.

Specific training and transfer of knowledge objectives

  • to provide solid experimental and theoretical training in quantum optics, especially in atomic physics, quantum information processing (sensing, computing, communication, memory, …), quantum simulation, coherent light-matter interactions, CQED, atom/ion trapping techniques, photonics, and in nano-optics with nanostructures;
  • to provide experience and skills in state-of-the-art technologies of optical cavities, atom/ion trap, pulse shaping, and single photon production, detection and characterization;
  • to provide in-depth understanding of various methods of coherent control of quantum systems by lasers and single-photons and its modern mathematical tools;
  • to convey the importance to develop engineering tools from basic research and subsequently transfer those to applications, e.g., transfer from classical to quantum control methods, including recent optimization techniques.

Network-enhanced traning

Beyond the training received at their host institution, ESRs will benefit from Network-enhanced training. The combined expertise of the network represents the cutting edge of research in light-matter interactions in Europe. Through various tools for training and transfer-of-knowledge (listed below) the ESRs will benefit from this expertise and will have training in a considerably broader, but complementary, area than what can be provided by any single participant.

  • Secondments

Secondments will supplement the scope of research, for rapid transfer of knowledge and all aspects of training provided otherwise by network activities and local actions. LIMQUET will provide secondments in industry for all ESRs in order to broaden their experiences.

  • Annual Meetings

Annual meetings will provide an opportunity for participants to deal with network-wide concerns, to solicit and offer advice on administrative issues, and to share research results in a timely way.

  • Annual Schools 

Annual schools are a major element of training and knowledge transfer. For five days a set of 12-15 lectures, including formal lectures and exercises, involving distinguished external speakers, will be held and attended by all ESRs. Additional tutorial lectures, intended to provide practical guidance for conducting research, will be presented by senior researchers of the network. An additional day is planned to allow the ESRs to learn details about the laboratory facilities of the host institution, thereby gaining a broader perspective on current research methods, and to have time for social and cultural activities. In each school a day will be dedicated to transferrable skills training. The ESRs will present their works (poster and oral sessions) during these events. Participants and lecturers from outside the network will be invited to attend the schools and the final conference, thereby offering important external contacts to the ESRs.

  • Industry Seminar 

Attached to minischool 3, the industry participant QuT (supported by the other industry teams QuB, TP, and AU) will organize an industry seminar. The seminar will deal with general aspects of technology transfer, management, intellectual property and commercial exploitation of results. We will also invite speakers from industry outside LIMQUET. The seminar will provide for the ESRs learning about industry-relevant topics beyond technological developments, such as commercial exploitation of research results, project management in industry, economics, issues of intellectual properties, and market-driven research.

  • Laboratory and Technology Courses 

Beyond the basic knowledge provided during the schools, the network-wide training programme shall also strengthen the technical skills of all the ESRs to provide hands-on-training in key technologies. The industry team TP (with support by the other industry teams) will organize a set of laboratory courses attended by all ESRs during two days.

  • Workshop Organization 

One workshop, the Youg European Physicists (YEP) meeting, will be organized entirely by the ESRs. The YEP meeting will last typically 3-4 days.

Transferable skills

In the framework of the LIMQUET project, the ESRs will receive specific training in transferable skills related to research, innovation, communication and management, such as acquiring team skills in a multinational environment; awareness of ethical and intellectual property issues (laboratory practices, authorship, dissemination, etc.); technological issues, patents, exploitation of scientific results, entrepreneurship and entreprise start-up (provided by the industrial participants); grant searching (e.g. from H2020 programs); gender issues; research integrity; personal development (from professional coaches). The ESRs will acquire knowledge of the language and culture of the host country, that are often much valued in industry. The participants will also be exposed to best-practice examples. The ESRs will participate in each Annual Meeting, thereby gaining further training in research evaluation,  management and planning. We will also ensure that the ESRs will meet some editors from prestigious journal editorial board who can share with them their experience and guide them towards good practice for publishing and communicating the results of their research.

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