A variety of careers and positions are possible after the ICM course, which is both business-oriented and focused on diversity training and awareness. Graduates wanting to specialise in the intercultural dimension may go into consultancy or training work, either agency-based or freelance, whereas others might choose the human resources or international project management path, within an organisation, be it in the public, private, or voluntary sector. Below is a list of possible career choices after the MA course.
Private sector
Consultancy / Training (freelance / agency)
- Management consultant specialising in interculturality (freelance / agency): cultural audits & troubleshooting; advice on how to enter a particular market / the cultural dimension of mergers / joint ventures / negotiation / mediation / facilitating meetings / diversity (e.g. Executive Diversity Services, the Kozai Group, Aperian Global)
- Trainer (freelance): tailored training packages for organisations, personalised coaching (e.g. Communicaid, IOR, Farnham Castle Training, Intercultural Communication bv)
Management (in-house)
- Human resources (multinational / preparing for mobility)
- Diversity and inclusion officer
- International project management
- Internal communications
- External communications / CSR
- International marketing / sales / negotiation
Associative / voluntary sector
- Management role in a national / international NGO (e.g. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Human Rights First, International Organization for Migration, The International Red Cross, The International Rescue Committee, Oxfam International, Care International…)
- Project manager
- Trainer
- Lobbyist
Public sector
- Management role in government overseas agencies / international public bodies (UN, UNESCO, UNICEF…)
- Diplomatic / foreign service
- Social worker
- Educator / mediator
- Administrator (higher education, local government community initiatives…)
Research (PhD)
To read about a former ICM student’s experience as a PhD student, click here.
For more information on PhD opportunities at uB and how to apply for one, click here.