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Master T2M/TA2M – Epreuve d’entraînement – anglais

Les candidates et candidats aux formations T2M et TA2M dont le dossier déposé sur MonMaster est jugé de qualité satisfaisante recevront une convocation pour l’épreuve écrite, qui sera organisée en ligne samedi 13 avril. Comme les années passées, l’épreuve vous demandera de traiter et de commenter plusieurs tâches en un temps limité, avec toutefois la possibilité – et, si vous souhaitez réussir, l’obligation – de vous servir d’outils et de ressources numériques dont il faudra signaler l’utilisation dans le travail rendu.

Les annales des épreuves de la formation T2M sont déjà publiées sur la page et l’équipe publiera des exercices d’entraînement et de réflexion pour les deux parcours tout au long de la procédure de candidature. Vous pouvez éventuellement demander un retour sur vos réponses aux épreuves d’entraînement en vous rapprochant des responsables de formation, mais il ne faudra pas vous attendre à une réponse aux questions posées à la dernière minute.

L’exercice du jour a pour objectif de vous aider à préparer l’épreuve d’anglais, où vous aurez à :

  • transcrire un document audiovisuel, en respectant les normes orthographiques, typographiques de la langue source et en vous assurant de la compréhension profonde du document
  • identifier et rechercher la terminologie et la phraséologie adaptée au domaine de spécialité dont relève le document et au public ciblé, en justifiant vos sources et vos choix
  • traduire en français le texte que vous avez transcrit, en tenant compte des contraintes ou autres indications qui pourront être fournies (par exemple, concernant le registre ou le volume de texte)
  • fournir un commentaire sur votre travail, rédigé en anglais sous forme de réponse aux questions qui vous seront posées
  • citer soigneusement l’ensemble des outils et des sources utilisées pour l’exercice. L’utilisation non-signalée et/ou non raisonnée de moteurs de traduction automatique ou d’outils d’aide à la rédaction entraînera automatiquement l’élimination du dossier ; les réponses fournies seront vérifiées au moment des auditions.

Vous aurez compris : il s’agit de tout sauf une épreuve de version classique ! La maîtrise des langues source et cible est bien évidemment essentielle pour réussir l’exercice, mais l’équipe pédagogique s’intéressera autant au processus qui transparaît dans vos réponses qu’au texte final en langue cible.

Master T2M-TA2M – EN-FR transcription and translation – practice exam.

(This exercise will take longer to complete than the one set for 13 April and is designed to help you practice the skills you will need to do so. Candidates for the TA2M program will be asked specific questions related to accessibility, which may draw on the EN-FR transcription and translation exercise that all candidates are required to complete.)

The video ‘Police Quest: A Tale of Two Tones’ was published on 20 December 2017 by PushingUpRoses, an American YouTuber specialising in videogame, television and film reviews. This particular video is a retrospective of the Police Quest adventure game franchise, published by Sierra from 1987-1998. The franchise is known, among other things, for strict adherence to police procedures and the early games in particular were reportedly used for training purposes by some American police departments. While fan translations exist for some games, the series was never officially localised in French.

Your tasks are:

1. Transcribe the voiceover you hear during the first part of the video, up to 2:27 « it’s not great ». You may wish to use the automatic YouTube captions to help you, though need to check your transcription carefully, ensuring that it confirms to standard English grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation conventions while also reproducing the content, style and register of what you hear. Your transcription should be organised in three columns, showing (1) the approximate timing, (2) the transcribed text and (3) any other relevant information, such as a few words to describe the image, shot breaks and any on-screen text.

Timing Transcribed dialogue Image/other information
0:00-0:19 Hey everyone, PushingUpRoses here, and today we’re talking about a series I haven’t covered on this channel yet, Police Quest. You’d think I would have already played these games because I’ve been known to enjoy some crime fiction, mysteries and procedurals, but – [scene change] and I know I might be breaking some hearts here – I don’t really like this series. 16-bit graphics, gold Police Quest logo on blue background with animated bullet holes. Subtitle ‘In pursuit of the Death Angel’ appears from 0:07, developer credit from 0:12. [Scene change] to police locker room from 0:14.

2. Transcribe the game dialogues and other on-screen text you see in the video extract, using a table similar to the one above. In the second column, comment on any possible interactions with the voiceover narrative or on any other notable features (including, for exemple, any dialogue that appears out of order and would need to be checked in a full play-through of the game).

3. Research the terms and phrases you will need to translate the text, keeping in mind what you know about the game franchise and likely target audience. Indicateentify at least five in  the table below, adding the source term/phrase, the context and/or definition needed to understand it completely, your target term/phrase and an explanation of or link to the sources used to check usage of the target term.

Source term/phrase Context/definition Target term/phrase Source of information/usage
subpoena On-screen dialogue at 0:51: ‘You look in Steve’s pigeonhole and see a stack of subpoenas.’
Since the game is set in a (fictional) city in the state of California, I chose the definition available at, where the term can refer to a document that either compels somebody to supply documents such as business records or compels somebody to appear in court.
citation à comparaître Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique : ‘Ordre adressé à une personne pour qu’elle comparaisse devant un tribunal’ ( This matches the second sense of the California Courts definition and seems appropriate to the in-game context, if we assume Steve, a police officer and colleague of the player character, has been tasked with ensuring that criminal suspects appear in court.
Sources such as show that the term is also used in the French legal system, by legal specialists but also non-specialists.

4. Translate both the voiceover dialogue and the on-screen text you have transcribed into French, keeping in mind the following constraints:

  • The translated voiceover should be treated as a script that could be used to record a re-voiced version of the video. It should aim to render both the content of the original and the personality and mannerisms of the speaker, while also maintaining consistency with the image. The word count should be no more than 20% higher than that of the source text.
  • The translated on-screen text will be used to create graphic replacements of the original text, in order to aid viewer comprehension. It should aim to render the content but also the style of the original text, while maintaining consistency with the voiceover commentary. The word count should be no more than 20% higher than the source text.

5. write a few sentences (in your own words, in English) in answer to the following questions:

  • How would you characterise PushingUpRoses’ communication style and attitude towards the Police Quest franchise? What factors appear to influence her opinion in the extract you have watched, and what strategies did you use to render her personality and opinions in French?
  • What users can you imagine playing a French version of the Police Quest games in 2024? How did or how would a focus on different target users affect your translation choices, and what other entertainment products might offer useful models for your translation strategy? Answer in as much detail as you can, giving examples to support your argument.
  • What were the main difficulties you encountered while translating and how did you resolve these? What questions would you seek to ask your client if you were given this task as a freelance translator?
  • How do the tasks you have completed so far illustrate the difference between translation and localisation? Explain whether, and how, you think these concepts are fundamentally similar or fundamentally different.
  • With reference to the video extract and to what you can find out about the Police Quest franchise, explain the difference between ‘procedure’ and ‘procedural’, citing all sources used in your research. In the course of answering this question, you may wish to explain what is unsatisfactory about the following answer provided by ChatGPT 3.5:

ChatGPT 3.5: "procedure" vs. "procedural"

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